Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sum of bits set

Q: Given a positive integer N calculate the sum of bits set for all the numbers from 0 to N.

I will be using divide and conquer for this. 

Fact: The sum of all set bits from 0 to (2 ^ n) - 1 is (2 ^ n-1) * n
This can be proved by induction or construction.

1) Get the MSB location of the integer N, i.e. the left most bit which is set as 1, lets say it is X
2) Get the sum of all the bits till (2 ^ X) - 1 using the fact given above, lets say it is Sum
3) Now, add 1 for number (2 ^ X) to Sum
4) We are now left to calculate from (2 ^ X) + 1 to N. All these will have Xth bit set.
5) So add N - (2 ^ X) to Sum
6) Now we can solve for a smaller sub-problem using recursion. The numbers left are (2 ^ X) + 1 ..... N, with the Xth bit now turned off since we have already considered the Xth bit in step 5. This is equivalent to finding the sum of bits till N XOR (2 ^ X)


To get the MSB location we can again use divide and conquer to reduce the no. of steps.

Ideas taken from:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Duplicate & missing number

Q: In an unsorted array of first N natural numbers which has a duplicate number and a missing number, find the duplicate and missing numbers.

Soln approach: 
1. Sum of N numbers = n(n+1)/2
2. Sum of N^2 numbers = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6
3. Since there are 2 unknowns we can create 2 equations using the above formulae to solve them

Soln approach: 
1. Sum of N numbers = n(n+1)/2
2. Multiplication of N numbers / n! = Duplicate/Missing
3. Again we can solve for the 2 unknowns using the above formulae

Both the above approach assumes that N^2 or N! can be held in an int/double etc without overflow. In Java we can make use of BigInteger but there is another approach to solve the problem using bit operators.

Soln approach:
Let Ai be the ith element of the array, 0 <= i < n
Let Bi be i+1
1. Find Duplicate XOR Missing = X
    - XOR all Ai and Bi
2. Find which rightmost bit is 1 in X = Y
    - X & ~(X - 1)
3. Partition A and B such that A1 and B1 has Y set and A2 and B2 does not have Y set
    - Iterate and use & operator over Y and elements of A and B
4. XOR elements of A1 and B1 = VALUE1
5. XOR elements of A2 and B2 = VALUE2
6. If A1.length > B1.length then VALUE1 = Duplicate and VALUE2 = Missing
    else VALUE2 = Duplicate and VALUE1 = Missing